"Ghost" is an ongoing series of artwork by Dylan Louis Monroe. The project began in October 2014. Inspired in part by the seasonal Halloween graphics of consumer mega-brands like McDonald's and Hallmark, while paying tribute to the principles set forth in the original "Casper the Friendly Ghost" cartoons, "Ghost" by DLM puts a dark twist on the classic American ghost iconography. It aims to redefine the archetypal ghost illustration, and explore the boundless possibilities of the afterlife.
The online store for Ghost by Dylan Louis Monroe has been integrated into the D.S.M.P. store.
T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Stationary, Pins, Prints, and Framed Artwork are still available.
Contact [email protected] for inquiries regarding original, and framed artwork.
T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Stationary, Pins, Prints, and Framed Artwork are still available.
Contact [email protected] for inquiries regarding original, and framed artwork.
Ghost by Dylan Louis Monroe has yet to debut in a physical art gallery setting. It is planned as an interactive experience, alternating between daylight and UV light accompanied by music.
Any galleries interested in collaborating may submit an inquiry on our contact page, or to [email protected]
Any galleries interested in collaborating may submit an inquiry on our contact page, or to [email protected]
The following images are the original digital artworks for Ghost, all intended as glow-in-the-dark prints in the mediums of screen printing, digital printing with spray paint, and mixed media.
- The New Order Times
©2021, Dylan Louis Monroe, All Rights Reserved